From Nikonians Wiki
A layout is a page or group of pages prepared for print reproduction without requiring any further alterations. A layout is sometimes referred to as Camera-Ready Artwork, which is a throwback to the days when a layout would be prepared on paper, ready to be photographed by a litho camera, which recognises only black and white, with no grey tones.
Today, layout is invariably done in a Desktop publishing application, and supplied either on disk or by email, either as a PDF file, an EPS file (especially if it forms an advertisement to be included in a newspaper), or as a file or file collection from the originating software application.
When supplying artwork by PDF for commercial print, it is essential to include fonts and to specify press-resolution, or to use the specifications provided by the print house.
- This page was last modified on 28 December 2008, at 14:05.
- This page has been accessed 1,697 times.