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Software Directory

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This software compilation contains software programs that are available to us as photographers. It is not a complete list, nor do we endorse any of the listed programs.

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Photo management

Photo management software helps you organize and typically edit your images to a certain degree. These applications sometime have their origins as editors, or they come from the management side having expanded their editing capabilities. Most if not all support plugins from more or less known vendors.

Photo editing

Advanced editing beyond what is available in the photo management programs. This is the area where you want to use a special application for photo editing.

Batch processing

There are a few specialists on mass conversion of images, tagging or editing the meta data in other ways.

HDR processing

High Dynamic Range software lets you process your bracketed series of photographs to produce images with a high dynamic range. They often can do some other tricks as well. Some of these are also available as plugins, for e.g. Adobe Lightroom and others.

Image/disk recovery

Most tools are commercial, but here are some free, open source software

  • PhotoRec (Free, GNU/Linux, Mac OS, MS Windows)

Nikonians utility software

We have some various apps making it easier to interact and share with Nikonians.

Hacks, Nikon related source code

This section is for the brave. There are many projects "out there" for Nikon cameras. For example, you can do a search for Nikon on github.

  • This page was last modified on 6 December 2023, at 13:22.
  • This page has been accessed 21,054 times.