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Why are there so many different types of forums?

From Nikonians Wiki

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There are major Conferences or groups of forums for sharing, learning and inspiring, subdivided in forums for better organization of the vast knowledge treasure chest that Nikonians is:

- 'Master you Nikon Camera', where you can find the camera you do have or the one you are thinking of buying, to learn all about it

- 'Master your Lenses', another conference (group of forums) containing Auto Focus Nikkor lenses, 3rd party Autofocus lenses, all Manual Focus Lenses, and Filters and Lens Accessories, and other accessories

- 'Master out Tools', a set of forums for speedlights, lighting, camera support, bags, hardware, software and workflow

- 'Master your Vision' where you can hone your own personal vision and style; by specialty, like Wildlife Photography, Landscape Photography and many more. By posting an image in any of this forums we understand you are asking on how do members like it and how to improve it. Modifications to your images are not only allowed but should be expected, to best illustrate suggestions for improvement

- 'Image Sharing', a set of forums to post pictures. Images posted here should not expect feedback on improvements, there are just to share or to participate in the Online Photo Assignments. "Look what I shot", "How do you like it?". The exception is the Constructive Critique & Technical Advice forum, where posting an image carries the implicit request for In depth analysis and amicable but sound suggestions, often illustrated with modified versions of your image. This conference also contains a forum for our Nikonians Photo Contest news and announcements

Then we also have other conferences, like ...

- 'Multilingual Nikonians' a conference with Cafés in several languages, where members relax and talk in their native language, mostly on items not discussed elsewhere, and

- 'General Forums', that include "About Nikonians & Galleries" for questions and news about the community and the galleries; "New Members", where we greet new members and direct them to the forums where they may get the answers they are seeking. This conference includes the "I Want to Buy" and "I Want to Sell" forums, for trading, buying and selling equipment among members

- 'Travel and Gettting Together' is all about what the name implies. It includes the Nikonians Chapters for North America and Europe, a Nikonians Academy forum and forums for some specific workshops, starting with the ANPAT (the Annual Nikonians Photo Adventure Trip)


  • This page was last modified on 15 August 2010, at 22:47.
  • This page has been accessed 15,382 times.